About Roxby Council
In South Australian Local Government terms, Roxby Council is unique. Created and operating under the Indenture, Council operates with all the powers, functions and duties of a South Australian Local Government Authority, with a number of notable exceptions:
The requirement of elected Councillors has been suspended with an appointed "Administrator" performing all of the functions of Council
Separate power and water authorities have been created, with Council operating them as separate self-contained business units
The State Government and BHP Billiton are required to approve the Council budget and fund an annual operating Municipal deficit
External contractors carry out all of our construction, horticulture and waste management work.
The facilities and infrastructure in Roxby Downs are of high quality and the envy of most other towns. The Council operates a wide range of municipal services including roads, streets, footpaths, parks and gardens and waste management.
The Council also operates various sport and recreational facilities including Roxbylink (Cultural and Leisure Centre), swimming pools, community ovals and associated buildings. What sets this Council apart is that it also operates separate Electricity (Roxby Power) and Water (Roxby Water) authorities including associated infrastructure.
In 2016, a Governance Review was undertaken by an esteemed panel in partnership with the State Government. A list of short, medium and long terms recommendations were made and some recommendations have now been implemented.

Municipal Council of Roxby Downs (Roxby Council)
ABN 68 284 130 046
Roxby Downs Council Office
Richardson PlacePhone: (08) 8671 0010
After Hours - call 8671 0010 and select Option 1 for emergency assistance
Opening Hours