Mental Wellbeing

There are many aspects to wellbeing and what it means to feel well. One important element relates to mental health. Everybody needs support to feel okay sometimes.

Below are links to some of the mental health-related supports and services available in Roxby Downs.

In-Person Information, Services and/or Support

- The Community Hub - friendly community-oriented safe space for making local connections and finding information about local supports and services. Their website includes a list of community resources, including mental health services.

Roxby Downs Doctors Surgery

- Roxby Downs Health Service

- Roxby Family Practice

- Headspace Port Augusta

Hotlines  -  available to call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Please note many of these services also offer a 'chat' function online if writing about what's happening is better or easier.

If you or someone you know is in a crisis or feeling unsafe or suicidal:

- call 000 or

- contact Lifeline: 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467, or

- visit the nearest hospital (the Roxby Downs Health Service is at 16-28 Burgoyne Street, Roxby Downs SA 5725).

Health Triage AND Rural and Remote Mental Health: 13 14 65

Kids Helpline (for ages 5-25): 1800 551 800

MATES Helpline: 1300 642 111

- Industry-focused suicide prevention, focused on mining/construction/energy

13YARN (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Crisis Support): 13 92 76

Thirrili (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Post/Prevention): 1800 805 801

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

MensLine: 1300 789 978

– Telephone and online counselling for men

Gambling Helpline: 1800 858 858

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732

- Covers sexual assault, family violence

Other support available (certain times):

Alcohol and Drug Information Service: 1300 131 340 (South Australian callers only- local call fee applies; interstate callers call can call (08) 7087 1743

ASKPEACE : Phone (08) 8245 8110. Available 9am-5pm.

- Support for migrants and refugees

Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (LETSS): Phone 1800 013 755. Available 5pm-11:30pm.

– Peer support online and over the phone

SANE Helpline: Phone 1800 187 263 (not a crisis service; please contact 000 or Lifeline if so). Available 10am - 8pm.

- Support for complex mental health

Gambling Help Service: 1800 934 196

Men’s Referral Service : 1300 766 491

- Advice for men about family violence

QLife (3pm-midnight): 1800 184 527

– LGBTIQA+ web and phone peer support

Relationships Australia SA: 1800 182 325

– Offers multiple services, many via Telehealth, including mediation (family dispute resolution)

Additional Mental Health Links

Emerging Minds – child and family mental health resources and psycho-education

Hearing Voices – run by volunteers, with resources for people who experience psychosis

Black Dog Institute – mental illness resources

Mindshare – a creative community of people with lived experience of mental illness

No to Violence – works with men to end family violence by men

BPD Collaborative – support for people with Borderline Personality Disorder and their loved ones

Know Your Options – help for drug and alcohol use

The SA Health website information on mental health services is a great general resource.

Aboriginal Health Community Organisations

Pika Wiya – based in Port Augusta

Nunyara – based in Whyalla

Nunkuwarrin Yunti – based in metropolitan Adelaide

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Marginalised Support

PEACE Multicultural Services – support for migrants and refugees

Support for Carers

A carer is someone who gives care and support to a relative or friend who has a disability, medical condition (terminal or chronic), mental illness, or who is frail because they are elderly. Carers may or may not receive a carer payment from Centrelink but they are not employed to look after someone.

Carer Gateway – services and support for carers

This list is provided for community benefit. Please note that these services are not provided through or by Council and that the inclusion of services or organisations on this list does not equate to their endorsement by Council. For further information about services listed, and to access the latest information, please connect with the services directly.

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