2021 Community Consultations

April - May 2021

Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2021/22

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1999, each Local Government Authority is required to develop an Annual Business Plan and Budget for each financial year.

The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget outlines Council’s priorities and program of works for the next 12 months. It allocates funding for key projects and services, and shows how your rates are invested.

Council released the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2021/22 for a period of community consultation from 9:00am Monday 12 April 2021 to 6:30pm Wednesday 12 May 2021.  The consultation included a Public Meeting and two Facebook Live events where the community was able to provide feedback and/or ask questions about the document.

Council considered all of the feedback to the document and made any required changes. The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 was formally presented to the Department of Energy and Mining and BHP for approval in June 2021 as required under the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982.

The final Annual Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 was adopted by Council at the 30 June Council meeting.

You can view the document here:  Annual Business Plan and Budget  2021/22

March 2021

Draft Strategic Plan 2021-2025

The Strategic Plan 2021-2025 is a dynamic document that Council reviews from time to time. As Council better understood the impact of COVID-19 on the medium and short-term future, and the changing and emerging needs of the community, Council further evolved and adapted its organisational response in line within the strategic framework and themes that we proposed.

The Plan shares Council’s aspirations and approach to achieving the best outcomes for the community. We continued to focus on the factors that contribute to the quality of life of our residents, enhancing our customer service and  value proposition and the sustainability of our assets.

The community’s remote location, fluid population (≈ 20% churn per year) and interdependence with BHP’s Olympic Dam operations meant there are many external influences outside of Council’s control. Having a plan that accommodated the shifting priorities was critical for success. For this reason, the time horizon for this Plan is only 5 years.

Content for this Plan was informed by community consultation, which occurred in the development of the Roxby Downs Community Development Plan 2020-2022. The Strategic Plan presented a further opportunity for the community prior to consideration and adoption by Council.

In Roxby Downs we recognise that change is constant. As a result Council has evolved into a flexible, responsive and resilient organisation. We look forward to continuing to work with the Community, BHP, State Government and key stakeholders to achieve the aspirations and purposes outlined in this Plan.

June 2021

Updated Animal Management Plan and Cats By-law 2021
Why we Consulted

Roxby Downs is located in a fragile arid environment, which means the issue of environmental degradation from human activity, and that of pets, has been a significant issue, especially in relation to potential loss of wildlife.

Responsible dog and cat management is integral to Roxby Downs becoming a model environmental town and protecting the native and reintroduced wildlife in the region. It's important that Councils regularly review their Animal Management Plans to ensure they are in keeping with best practice advice and understanding about caring for pets and the environment.

Council conducted community consultation on the Draft Updated Cats By-law in 2021. As a result of the feedback from the community Council made some minor changes to the by-law, which align the way cats and dogs are managed in Roxby Downs.

What we consulted on!

The Updated Animal Management Plan implements a balanced approach to cater to a community need that benefits dogs, cats and their owners, as well as those charged with the enforcement of animal management by-laws.

In 2009, Roxby Council introduced the Cats By-law, which was reviewed in 2016, and again in 2022. Requirements of the By-law include:

  • All cats must be registered.
  • Only two cats allowed per property, without requiring a permit.
  • Cats not to be a nuisance.

Changes were been made to the By-law relating to definitions of wandering at large and effective control.  We are consulted on these changes and how they would impact the management of cats in Roxby Downs.